The HVNL uses ‘risk-based categorisation’ for all mass, dimension, loading and fatigue offences. This is a system whereby each offence is divided into different categories based on the potential r...
When Is An Accident Not An Accident?
This month I want to encourage drivers to take a moment to look after themselves. Driving is not an easy profession. The hours are long and the pressure is high. Tight timeframes on slim profit margin...
Are Drink Driving Laws The Same For Motorbikes And Cars?
The answer to this question is that drink driving laws in NSW are the same for motorbikes and cars. The offence of ‘drink driving’ is contained in the Road Transport Act 2013. That legislation mak...
Work Diaries: Drawing The Line Between Work And Rest Time
To get the most out of your allowed work and rest hours as a long-haul truck driver, not to mention to avoid trouble with the authorities, it is important to know where to draw the line between work a...
Can A Breach Of HVNL Charge Be Dismissed?
We all make mistakes. But as you know, even minor mistakes in a heavy vehicle work diary can lead to hefty fines and even court dates. However, are the authorities held to the same high standard when ...
Owner Driver – Operator Nomination
Many owner drivers I work with share their vehicle with other people. Sometimes this is a formal leasing arrangement. Other times it’s just helping out a mate. But did you know that you could be hel...
Work Diary Tricks
Let’s talk about work diaries. At best, they’re a tool to keep drivers and all road users safe. However, to the many who are obliged to fill them out, they feel more like a burden, or even a bomb ...
Do You Need To Comply With Work Diary Laws?
The work diary can be a frustrating and difficult system to navigate. Drivers often feel trapped with their job responsibilities, forced into completing a record later used as proof against them in th...
Owner Drivers – Change From Local To 100+km Work
There are a lot of ways you can get in trouble for breaking the work diary rules. I thought I had seen them all, but recently came across something new and interesting that could have been avoided wit...
Staying On The Right Side Of The Law When Things Don’t Go To Plan
One of the most rewarding aspects about my job is working with experienced drivers and operators. These are people who have been in this industry for years, oftentimes having accumulated vast amounts ...