Ainsley Law

Home Our Services Licence Disqualification Removal Application

Licence disqualifications can quickly add up, keeping you off the road for years, even decades. But you can shorten your disqualification period.

You can apply to have your disqualifications lifted after serving a minimum of two years off the road. These applications offer hope to a lot of drivers who have been through tough times and pulled through.

Call us to discuss when you could qualify to get your licence back.

Can I get my disqualification periods removed?

Yes, in many cases you can.

You need to make an application to the Local Court. If you meet the criteria, the magistrate will remove your remaining disqualification.

You are eligible to have your disqualifications removed if:

  • You have served the offence free period â€“ this is either 2 years or 4 years depending on why you are disqualified.
  • You don’t have any exclusionary offences â€“ the court can’t remove your disqualifications if you have ever been convicted of certain offences.
  • The Court considers it appropriate to do so.

We are excited at the prospect of getting you back on the road and are more than happy to discuss how all of these eligibility requirements apply to you. Contact us today for an assessment of your traffic record.

How long until I can drive again?

The process takes a couple of months, so it’s best to get started as soon as possible!

There are a few steps that must be taken before you can go to court. It is important to get these procedural steps right, particularly because if your application is refused, for any reason, you cannot make another one for 12 months.

Ainsley’s lawyers have made plenty of these applications and know the process inside out, as well as what the Court needs to see in an application for it to succeed.

Contact us to discuss what to do next to get you back on the road as soon as possible.

What if I’m serving a disqualification for an Habitual Traffic Offender Declaration?

You can still make an application to remove disqualification periods that flow from HTODs. However if you only have HTOD periods left to go on your record and for some reason you do not meet the eligibility requirements for this application, you can still make an application to quash the HTOD.

If you have HTODs remaining on your record, contact us to discuss which application would be best for getting you back on the road as soon as possible.

How do I prepare for court?

In our experience, the Court’s biggest concern will be whether you will be a safe driver if it lets you have a licence again.

So you need to prepare evidence demonstrating this.

This can include:

  • A certificate showing recent completion of a traffic offenders program.
  • Character references explaining how you’ve changed since you were offending.
  • A letter from you to the Court explaining what you’ve learned from your time off the road, how much you would value and protect your licence if you got it back and your understanding of the importance of road safety.

There isn’t a formula for preparing for court. Contact us to discuss your individual situation and what evidence would best support your application.

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