At Ainsley Law, we represent many heavy vehicle drivers and operators who find themselves on the wro...
The Potholes Even Good Drivers Hit
It’s no secret that the HVNL is large and complicated. It is a credit to most drivers that they no...
How to Appeal A Suspension for Drink Driving
One of the first things that happens to most people who are caught for drink driving is their licenc...
What Happens If I Plead Guilty to Drink Driving?
The question in most cases is: What are the consequences? What happens next? There’s three main th...
Different Types of Drink Driving Charges
When it comes to drink driving, we often hear two acronyms spoken about: one is PCA and one is DUI. ...
Senate Committee Hearing: Having Our Say for the Road Transport Industry
If you have ever spoken with Sarah or me about a heavy vehicle fatigue matter, there’s no doubt so...
Appealing Your Suspension
If you need to launch your license appeal it can be quite daunting if you’ve never done it before....
Drink driving defences
There are a number of possible defences to drink driving charges. We are happy to chat with you abou...
Do I Need a Lawyer for My Licence Appeal?
I often get asked whether you need to have a lawyer to appeal your suspension in court. The honest a...
How Soon After a Licence Suspension Do I Need to Appeal?
If you’re planning to appeal against a suspension of your driver’s licence, it’s really import...