Ainsley Law

Home About Us
Sarah Marinovic

Sarah Marinovic


Sarah has focussed on traffic law for over a decade.

She began her career prosecuting traffic and heavy vehicle matters for the RMS and then spent many years as defence lawyer in one of Sydney’s largest criminal and traffic law firms.

A prosecution background gives Sarah a unique depth of knowledge of Road Transport law, and an ability to approach traffic and heavy vehicle matters differently to other lawyers. As a defence lawyer, she has used her insight and experience to help hundreds of people defend themselves, save their licences, avoid demerit points and keep their businesses running.

What really drives Sarah is connecting with people. She understands that each case has real consequences for the client’s life. She takes the time to find out what’s important to you and ensures that you understand each step of the process. This allows her to achieve the best outcome for each individual client.

Janelle Whale

Janelle Whale


Janelle has practised exclusively in criminal and traffic law her whole career. She has honed her passion and skills through work with Senior Counsel and as a defence solicitor in both Port Macquarie and for a large criminal and traffic law firm in Sydney.

This variety of experience and opportunities has given Janelle a well-rounded and uniquely creative approach to her work. She prides herself on leaving no stone unturned when strategising for her clients, achieving outcomes that otherwise seem impossible.

Janelle values connection and community. She is well regarded by the legal profession, the RMS, the police and the Courts and welcomes ongoing relationships with her clients.

Like her clients, Janelle’s world depends on her licence, so she enjoys fighting to help drivers get back on the road so that they can focus on what matters: getting to work, getting the kids to school, and getting everyone home safely.

The Ainsley story

Janelle and Sarah wanted to take their interest in traffic law to a new level; to develop a niche service in Road Transport law which would cater to the needs of clients facing traffic, licensing and heavy vehicle matters. It made sense because they were already the team other lawyers came to for help in this specialist area.

Most traffic law services are offered by criminal lawyers in firms designed to meet the needs of defendants in serious criminal matters. In this context, traffic cases can be looked upon as less serious, and hence less important.

This approach undervalues the complexity of the Road Transport Legislation and the real consequences that traffic matters have for people’s lives – loss of licence, loss of employment, and loss of ability to care for family.

Janelle and Sarah have created a firm in which the importance of traffic matters is recognised. At Ainsley Law, traffic matters don’t just come first – they’re the only matters we take.

Why Choose Ainsley

Ainsley Law is the only dedicated traffic law firm in Sydney

Unlike lawyers who do both criminal and traffic matters our services are specifically tailored to your needs. We know you’re not a hardened criminal, and so your needs are different to one. See our blog for all of the benefits of engaging a dedicated Sydney traffic lawyer and call us to experience the Ainsley difference.

We’ve got the knowledge and experience that makes the difference

Sarah has prosecuted for the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS).
When it’s the RMS taking you to court you want someone with inside experience and knowledge on your side. At Ainsley Law we not only have great working relationships with the RMS prosecutors, we know how they approach and prepare their matters and can use this knowledge to help you.

In addition, we have:

  • represented hundreds, if not thousands, of clients charged with drink driving and driving unlicensed;
  • lodged and appeared in an equal number of licence appeals;
  • obtained excellent outcomes in the full spectrum of heavy vehicle matters;
  • successfully challenged traffic infringements with Revenue NSW and in the Local Court
  • helped countless clients who have breached good behaviour licences;
  • written AIS show cause letters to the RMS and run successful appeals against the suspension and cancellation of authorities;

We genuinely care about you and your matter

Check out these testimonials to see what others have said about us and call us to discover our genuine care for yourself.

We’re community minded

Like you, we know the value of road use and are committed to road safety. We partner with our clients, the authorities, the courts and all road users to build a network that supports business and works to make roads safer.

We’re great value

We operate under a modern business model that is refreshingly efficient, so you get what you need and aren’t charged for extras you don’t.

Our Vision

To promote safety by changing the way people think about driving.

Our Mission

  • give traffic matters the attention they deserve
  • put people first and give clients a positive experience
  • approach matters with perspective, understand the big picture and attend to detail
  • build a network of road users and authorities

Our Values

Integrity: Knowing and doing what’s right; conducting business honestly.

Care: Valuing people – clients, opponents and road users – above profits.

Quality: Committing ourselves to the highest standard of representation so you can get on with the highest quality of life.

Authenticity: Ensuring that what you see is what you get. We genuinely care and are unapologetically good at what we do. We have nothing to hide and no pretensions.


At Ainsley Law we have a number of organisations that are close to our hearts and we enjoy supporting them financially and with our time. We give the green light to:

Road Sense Australia


Roadsense is a Not For Profit organisation that offers community road safety programs. It provides participants with information and skills necessary to develop positive attitudes towards driving and developing safer driver behaviours.

We support Roadsense by regularly presenting at its traffic offender intervention programs and providing legal advice to its participants.


Empower International

Empower is a not for profit, fair trade charity. It exists to combat human trafficking by:

  • purchasing handmade products at fair trade prices to provide sustainable income for vulnerable women.
  • partnering with producer groups to help provide appropriate work facilities and training.
  • supporting vulnerable children to prevent human trafficking.

As parents and as lawyers we are passionate about defending and protecting the vulnerable. This is exactly what Empower does. Speak with us today about what Empower is up to and how you too can support this great cause.

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